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Redshaw Advisors Wins Top Environmental Finance Emissions Trading Awards

Redshaw Advisors, a leading environmental trading company, has been recognized in the prestigious Environmental Finance Carbon Market Rankings awards. In their first year of operation, Redshaw Advisors has achieved remarkable success, winning several categories and being named runners-up in others.

The awards received by Redshaw Advisors include:

Best Trading Company, Spot & Futures (EU ETS)
Best Trading Company, secondary market, Kyoto Project credits
Best Advisory/Consultancy (EU ETS)
Redshaw Advisors was also recognized as a runner-up in the following categories:

Best Trading Company, Options (EU ETS)
Best Advisory/Consultancy (Kyoto Project Credits)
The Environmental Finance Carbon Market Rankings awards are highly regarded in the industry, representing the largest and most influential poll of sentiment across various markets, including carbon, renewable energy certificates, weather risk, and catastrophe risk. The winners were determined through a voting process involving over 1,000 participants, including readers and market participants.

The success of Redshaw Advisors is attributed to their perseverance and ability to navigate through challenging market conditions. Their team, led by founder Louis Redshaw, who previously served as Barclays' head of environmental trading, has filled a gap in the market left by other players. Redshaw Advisors aims to build on the legacy of Barclays' carbon desk and provide excellent service and products to market participants.

The recognition received by Redshaw Advisors reflects their commitment to delivering exceptional service in the emissions trading sector. With a core team of just four members, they have already made a significant impact on voters and market participants.

Redshaw Advisors expresses gratitude for the support and recognition they have received and looks forward to continuing their award-winning work in the carbon emissions market in the coming year.

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