A guide to net zero and how to get started

Government Mandates Net Zero Commitment for SME Government Suppliers: Plannet Zero Webinar to Discuss Implications and Solutions

Starting from September 2021, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating as government suppliers are required to commit to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and provide evidence of a carbon reduction plan to bid for contracts valued at £5 million and above. Compliance with this new policy not only supports SMEs in pursuing their sustainability goals but also offers a significant competitive advantage, as buyers increasingly prioritize scope three accountability from their suppliers.

To explore the implications of the government’s policy and guide SMEs in meeting the net zero challenge, Plannetzero is hosting a webinar on November 3 at 10 AM. The webinar will feature insights from Martin Traynor, the Small Business Crown Representative, and Liz Barclay, the Small Business Commissioner. They will provide valuable advice and address questions directly from SME owners. Additionally, Bill Goldie, Head of Offsetting at Plannet Zero, will offer expertise on understanding corporate carbon offsetting, cost considerations, and the broader long-term benefits of implementing a net zero business strategy.

The webinar aims to be a vital resource for SMEs seeking to navigate the net zero requirements imposed by the government and capitalize on the opportunities presented by sustainable business practices.
